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  • COVID-19 Precautions
    Updated On: Mar 27, 2020

    Brothers and Sisters, 

    Local 26 is monitoring and practicing the CDC's guidance and government guidelines and unfortunately that means that "business as usual" won't be "business as usual" for the foreseeable future. 

    As of March 19th, 2020 all Local 26 offices will be closed to the public until further notice. Essential services will still be met, they just wont be handled in person. We are asking that all business be conducted by phone, email or fax. 

    Regarding terminations and resigning the out of work list; when a member is laid-off they may re-register on the out of work list via an email to "dispatch@ua26.org". They may only re-register if a scanned copy or photo of a signed and dated termination slip is sent with the email. The member must also have completed their last day worked, re-registering while still on the clock will not be accepted. Emails must also be sent during regular business hours 8:00-12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00 the time and date stamp on the email will determine the members place on the out of work list. If the member desires to change zones or skills, a Hiring Hall Registration will be e-mailed, and must be filled out and sent back the same day. 

    Regarding the payment of dues; the Local will still be receiving mail daily for those paying by check or money order, credit or debit card payments must be done by phone 1-888-495-8099.

    If a member needs to see an Agent in person, we ask that you call ahead, and one will schedule a meeting in a dedicated space at each location while maintaining a social distance. 

    Members can also expect a mailer to arrive soon that will provide additional information on upcoming meetings and conventions. 

    We thank you for your patience and understanding during these times and we hope that you and your families stay healthy, safe, and secure.  

  • UA Local 26

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